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Saving for Your Children's Education

The cost of education in Hong Kong is rising as parents compete for the best schools for their children. Many parents in Hong Kong choose to send their children to schools and universities overseas as they look beyond local institutions. Parents need to set aside funds to give their children the widest range of options.

  • Start Early
    As with all savings plans, the educational fund for your children needs time to grow. Here are some steps you can start taking today:
    1. Go over your monthly finances and find a little extra money you can put away. Even HK$500 or HK$1,000 can make a big difference over time.
    2. Make a commitment to devote at least that amount each month, and to add to it as your income increases.
    3. Shop around for the best interest return you can get for your money.
  • High Return
    Investments may generate higher returns than saving accounts in most banks, though parents need to be vigilant about the risks of capital loss. Choose investment plans that are commensurate with risks you are prepared to accept.
  • Help Paying for Education
    One important thing to keep in mind is that you won't necessarily have to come up with the entire cost of your children's education. The Hong Kong government offers financial aid in the form of grants and loans, and there are also often aid offerings such as scholarships from charitable foundations and colleges. Be sure to look into all the options available.